The LPS Homeless Education Program provides advocacy, support and resources to any student who lacks a fixed, adequate and regular nighttime residence.
The program is funded by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 and overseen by LPS Federal Programs Department.
“Our mission is that no homeless student will ever be a homeless adult,” said Andrea Winstead, LPS Title 1 Community Liaison. “They can only get there through education.”
Winstead said the LPS homeless student population has risen to more than 600 students over the past several years. In addition to lacking shelter, the students often lack reliable transportation and funds for field trips, extra-curricular activities and medical assistance. She is grateful to the community entities that lend a helping hand throughout the school year.
“Although we are federally funded, of course our funds run out,” Winstead said. “There are also some items we cannot purchase with federal funds.”
Winstead’s office currently accepts toiletries, school supplies, bus passes and even prom dress donations for the district’s homeless population. She hopes to ease the burden of these students by raising awareness and fostering empathy throughout the community.
For more information on how to help or enroll a student in the program, call (580)357-6900.